Welcome! It’s. been a little while around here. I’ve been so busy working on things behind the scenes and being a mom, I haven’t even had time to pop up and show you the progress I’m making in my home. So here is a small update about when your yard surprises you…a little story for your Monday.

The beauty of a new yard is you never know what will pop up when you least expect it. Georgia is in that lovely gardening zone that makes growing things so easy. So when I saw things starting to bloom I decided I want to bring some of the outdoors in.

We were one of the few houses that didn’t have anything blooming in our front yard but down by our community pool there were all kinds of blooming trees. So, I gathered the kid and the dog and stuck a pair of clippers in my pocket with the full intention of clipping a few branches to bring back home with me. No one would really care right?

I looked at what was blooming around the pool and the blooms were already turning a little brown on the trees. Sad, I decided to look next to the tennis courts where there were some pretty yellow flowers. When I rounded the corner though…there was a group playing tennis and feeling like the new neighbors I felt I didn’t want to give the impression that I go around stealing branches off trees (even though that was my full intention).

Shyly, I said hello to everyone and let the dog sniff the ground a while as I shoved my clippers further down in my pocket. I was a little deflated because I was so hoping to have the pretty yellow flowers in my house. We made the slow walk back to the house. Dixie, the dog, wasn’t quite ready to go inside on such a glorious day so I opened our back gate, on the side of the yard I never go in, so she could spend some time in the back yard. I gasped!

Because there in my own backyard was a long row of Forsythia bushes in full bloom! I didn’t even know that is what they were! The last time I had walked over to that side of the yard they were just stick bushes. Oh boy did my yard surprise me! I happily clipped just a few and brought them in and they add so much cheer to the house.

It makes me want to plant more and more things in this yard I can clip and bring into the house. I know I have several hydrangea bushes and a whole lot of daffodils popped up this spring. I can’t wait to see what my yard has in store for me next! She’s just full of surprises.

By the way…isn’t this little plant cute? Currently, it is the only living plant in our home. I haven’t been a houseplant sort of gal in the past…but I think that is all changing. My thumb is turning green! Have an awesome day friends!
Love this story so much! Forsythia are the BEST! The yellow looks so pretty with your black and white!
Happy day friend!
We live in Indianapolis and I was looking at our forsythia bushes yesterday wondering when they would EVER bloom. It has been so cold and overcast here like forever! I’m thrilled that your yard surprised you! xo rachel
I LOVE forsythia! Looks beautiful in your sunny room. I was also surprised to see the wooden chair. We have one just like it that my sister-in-law got from her old dorm when they tore it down. I’ve never seen another one like it!
We live in Indianapolis and it has been so cold and overcast…like forever. I can’t wait for the forsythia to bloom. So far…nothing!!! haha But I do love it that your yard surprised you!
ttfn Rachel
I’m sorry. I didn’t realize my first comment posted. But I suppose another comment never hurt anyone right? Your home is beautiful btw.
It has been ages since I chatted with you! I just love your posts! Glad you found your “own” forsythia branches to clip and enjoy in your beautiful home! I have a faux forsythia wreath and branches because forsythia does not grow here in our cold climate. So happy for you that you are back in Georgia! You will be busy getting settled and finding the perfect spot for your lovely things. I have enjoyed the pictures of your gorgeous home! It’s just beautiful and you will have a lot of fun just adding all your personal touches to it! Enjoy! Have a great day!