I know I have mentioned how much smaller this house is than the last one…funny, most people up-size at this stage in their lives and leave the down-sizing for later. This house doesn’t have an office. Instead, I have a secretary desk.
That’s it…my whole “office”. Yeah, I know, small right? So far it is working for me. There are a few things I like about it. It is in our main open concept living area so I am never separated from the family while working on it. My laptop tucks nicely into it so when I close it, it all vanishes and I don’t think about what I should be doing on the computer. Any spare papers, pens, and general “stuff” is quickly hid away in the drawers or closed up behind the panel if guests pop in.
Isn’t that amazing? I drilled a hole in the back to pull the chords through so everything is tucked away neatly. I totally feel like I lucked out to find a secretary that had a floating shelf system so the laptop could slide underneath. This is where I do everything. I pay bills, run the blog, check e-mail, and work on a dissertation. Our printer is wireless and tucked neatly into a closet in another room and I have really gotten into the habit of scanning paperwork I feel I should hold on to but don’t necessarily need an original. We are trying to go as much paperless as possible.
Don’t laugh…I know that is a ginormous laptop. To be exact, a full 17″ screen. When I started on my doctorate I wanted to have a desktop with a nice large screen, but I wanted the flexibility of taking it to Starbucks on Saturday morning where I usually do dissertation writing. So this married the two. I won’t even tell you the strange looks I get from the young and cool at Starbucks. I must look so antiquated. Oh well.
I have recently been thinking of painting just the inside of this little secretary. Just a little pop of color to inject a little happiness. What do you think? Would you paint the inside or leave it in its natural state? Please leave a comment because I am so undecided on this. Here are some pics of secretary desks with a fun pop of color I found on Pinterest.
If i were to change anything, i would do something like the second picture you post. The colors that they had given the desk/drawer gave it a awesome change from the norm. and still gave it a touch of class, i believe its because of the mellow, matching tone colors they used.