Well greetings stranger! I am back and ready to share my home with you once again. I have left my foray into antique booth ownership (more about that on a future post) and am reclaiming the time in my own home. Today, I’m sharing my fall dining room with you.
Since the last time we chatted, there have been some changes in this room. You may have remembered it looking like this.

I got a bee in my bonnet and sold that dining set on Facebook Marketplace. It’s all about a table. In fact, the table I had in my previous home that was sitting in my basement. I don’t know why I didn’t put it in this space originally but I didn’t. If you remember my Florida home, you might remember this table.

I love this table and just couldn’t part with it. So, I pulled it up into the dining room and went on the hunt for a set of six chairs to go around it. I ran across those last week and now my dining room feels complete (even though I may reupholster the chairs). So, hello fall! I’m ready for you now!

Lately, I’ve been really drawn to simple designs that aren’t cluttered with too much stuff. Subtle has become more my style.

I found this amazing thrift store basket a while back and I literally could not leave the store without it. It was destiny I tell you. I pulled my dried hydrangeas out of storage from last year to create this look. To “fill up” the basket I wound a eucalyptus garland into the basket first creating a bed and mesh system for the hydrangeas to be supported.

I’ve been obsessed with creating these found vases in my home. It is so easy! Spray any thrifted vase with either white or black flat spray paint, then rub wet dirt on it. Let it dry then gently rub some off using a damp towel and you have Pottery Barn inspired pots for next to nothing. This huge vase was only $12 at the thrift.

Once you get started, you won’t be able to stop. It’s so fun. I hardly ever show these windows because it is hard to capture in a photograph. When we moved in I thought these builder grade arched windows looked a little dated. Once I painted them black I love them. It’s made all the difference.

I wish I could capture how pretty it is in person. Usually Dixie, our dog, is parked in front of these windows watching all of the other dogs go by.

I’ve been working on purging some of the sets of dishes I have. Can you believe I had six full sets of dishes? Some I collected, some I inherited, and hubby came home with a full set a client gave him. This cabinet is so pretty to style with found treasures behind the glass.

I hope you have an awesome Monday! It feels so good to be back and working within my home on spaces I love. Drop me a comment and let me know how you have been! I missed you guys so much.
Love, Nancy
Welcome back! Your dining room is stunning. I love every detail!
Thanks Amanda! I hope you are doing well.
I saw you comment on a couple other blogs and wondered what you were up to. Are you still teaching and
how are you holding up in this unpredictable year? I do hope you are finding a rhythm that works for you and your family.
Wonderful to see you again.
Hey Deb! Yes, I am still teaching. This is for sure the most challenging year ever…year 25 for me. But, I will say, my school district is super proactive and progressive and I feel really safe at school. No cases at all in my son’s elementary school and only a few in my high school of 2,600 students. Fingers crossed we can skate across the vaccine line and come out on the other side…especially for the seniors this year. My son graduated last year and it sure was a bummer.
So glad your back, I’ve missed your updates. This has been a trying year so glad to hear good news for a change. Time to focus on all the positive things in our lives. Your dining room is lovely but so was the old one. I love the black windows and chandeliers.
Thanks Marilyn. You know I know you are my number one cheerleader.
The dining room is gorgeous! Love that table! I wish I were closer to you as I would love to buy a set of your dishes! I am a dish lover from way back. It gets me into trouble sometimes.
LOL. I have been known to be lured in by a dish or two. I’m pretty sure that’s how I got in this trouble. Thanks Robyn!
Such a pretty space! Those chairs and that credenza are just gorgeous. And don’t even get me started on those windows! Everything is simply divine. 🙌🏻👏🏻❤️
Thank you Gabriele! The chairs were a find for sure. I made my husband stop half-way home on a road trip to pick them up from a FB Marketplace seller. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do for some French chairs.
Really pretty. Love the basket of Hydrangeas.
Thank you so much Deana! You just can’t go wrong with hydrangeas. 🙂
I missed that you moved to the Atlanta area? Love the dining room changes. I feel it’s more “you”. I’m sure you are happy that you kept that table!! Looks beautiful!
Hi Shirley! Yes. We moved about two years ago. I loved living on the island but felt my boys needed the academic programs and extra-curricular activities of our current school district. My oldest was able to go compete in the WGI World Drumline Championships and he played at the Vatican in the New Years Day parade as a Junior. Experiences he would have missed out on for sure.
Hope you are well friend. Nancy
The dining room is simply out of this world. SO beautiful!
I WOULD have thought the black windows to be much too modern for the style of the furniture
and items in the room, but was very much surprised to realize the more I looked at the pictures,
The more they look like they just belong there! It must have been a delicate operation painting them!
What is the finish on your buffet? I have an antique(vintage) hunt board in dark cherry that NEEDS this finish!
Thanks Sherri! I painted the windows and was inspired to put the chandelier in after seeing a photo of a chateau in France. They had a mix of modern and French…even with a huge religious statue! I took a chance and it paid off. I painted the buffet with Annie Sloan’s Coco paint. Then, on the insets I whitewashed over the Coco to give it that two-tone feel. Thanks for stopping by! I so appreciate your comment.
The room is beautiful and the table goes so well in your overall design. The windows were a lot of work but so worth it!
I love the windows black. I have one more big set of windows to paint in the house and then all the big arched windows will be black. Whew. Thanks Debi!
It all looks stunning, I battle to see past the chandeliers. I am drawn to everything that sparkles. It must look great in there in summer with the light coming through those gorgeous windows and making them shine.
Thanks! Yes it is pretty with the sun coming in the windows. I love all the sparkly too. 🙂
I love FB Marketplace so much. Just picked up an amazing Buffet on there for a steal. Your home is gorgeous. Those windows are an eleven, love love love.
Nancy, your dining room is gorgeous!! Love the chairs!
Such a beautiful space. The chandeliers are stunning!
I absolutely love this dining room, Nancy! The simple basket full of hydrangeas is just gorgeous!
Love how you mixed styles with furniture and accessories. Taking a fresh look at one’s home and switching furniture and accessories around can produce amazing special spaces! Inspired to paint the window frames black. Dramatic touch.
Your home is gorgeous. I love your new/old table too. I used to have a booth in an antique mall, but alas… let it go also.
You have such an incredible eye friend! Love all the details. 🙂
Happy fall!