Greetings! Today I’m going to be sharing with you the first design plan for the first room in the new house! Can I get a Woot Woot?!? I’m so excited about this because not only does it mean I am embarking on a new design plan…but I’m going to get the toy situation under control (something that’s been driving me a little crazy).
So this is how the room looked the day we moved in.
Since then, it has become a haven for every Nerf gun and Lego known the man. Since this room is right off the front door and open to the dining room and family room I want it to be functional as a playroom but also a little more on the sophisticated side. In other words, I don’t really want it to look like a playroom.
This room was one of the selling factors for me. I’m big on not having the kids isolate themselves so having a space that is open to where we are (working in the kitchen/hanging out in the family room) was super important to me.
So…this is the plan.
Let’s break this down individually. I’ve included links in case you like any of the stuff I’ve picked out (some are affiliate).
I’m obsessed with THIS RUG. I bought it at Homegoods and it was love at first sight. However, because I’m a ninny and super indecisive, I walked away because I wanted to “think about it.” Hello! Everyone knows when you see something at Homegoods you shouldn’t walk away from it because the chances of it being there when you come back are slim. Which is exactly what happened to me. I went back and it was gone. Then the pangs of regret set in and suddenly there was no other rug I could possible like as much (oh the drama). So, I drove to another Homegoods a few days later and just when I had given up hope…I swung the stacks of rugs one more time and behold…there it was. Another one! I wasted no time and had it at the register in four minutes flat.
Art is hard for me. I tend to want to put a mirror everywhere. “Hi! I’m Nancy. I buy mirrors whenever I see them even thought I don’t have a place to hang them on my walls. I have a problem.” Not this time though! I found some art I can live with and is playroom appropriate. The best part? These are from Etsy shop owner VictorianWallArt. Plus they are so affordable! Nine prints for less than $10 a piece.
This is the inspiration for a DIY project. I want to have the option of a desk for my little guy later and know that he loves to stand and play with his figurines at about table height. I’m going to do a six foot shelf at table height that can serve as a play surface for him now to set up all his guys and will later function as a desk. Stay tuned for this project. I’m jazzed about this one (did I totally just age myself?).
Give me some light! There isn’t any overhead lighting in this room so we need some easy to use lights that don’t require an electrician. These are a great deal from Amazon for both!
This trunk is going to be a lifesaver. When my 16 year old was little I had a trunk like this in his room and it was perfect for throwing all the trucks and Nerf guns in. It’s actually 35″ wide so it will hold quite a bit of toys and will make a great trunk for blankets later. Two of these trunks in the playroom should do the trick. We have quite the collection of Nerf guns because my 16 year old still has all of his and now the 6 year old is collecting them. There are some epic Nerf battles in our house…let me tell ‘ya. #boymom
I have a few other things up my sleeve that I will have to fill you in on later. But for now, I’m going to get busy putting this room together.
Let me know what you think of my plan.
I love your playroom plans. And that rug. I can see why you were determined to find it after passing it up the first time you saw it! It’s gorgeous.
Yes! Thank you so much. It was such a relief to find the rug. I think I would’ve been stuck if I didn’t find it.
Looks like a great plan! Can’t wait to see it all come together.
Thank you so much Robyn! I’m hoping to knock some things out over the long weekend.
I love every item in your plan, it is going to be a beautiful room.
Thank you Debi! I can’t wait to see how it all comes together.
Looks likes its going to be a awesome playroom
Love all your picks . especially the rug
It’s gorgeous.
Thanks Judy! I think the rug is going to make the room.
Love your plan and glad you found the rug at another HomeGoods!!!
Thanks Shirley! I love having so many Homegoods near me again. Whew!
Love all the pieces you’ve chosen…can’t wait to see how the room progresses .
Thank you so much Bee! It is going to be fun to put together.