Ohmygosh, it has been so long since I have been on here and I miss you guys so much! I’m so sorry for my absence, but I did this thing. A thing I have been thinking about doing for soooo long.

I finally pulled the trigger
stepped out on the proverbial branch
stuck my toe in the water
opened a booth at a local antique mall! Eeeeek!

I decided 2020 is going to be the year. The year I do the things I always say I’m going to do. The year I invest in my life. The year I follow some of my dreams. As a mom, I know that I am always last on my own list. But I had a mind shift that has helped me put this in focus.
How can I inspire my children to follow their dreams and accomplish wildly in their lives, when I don’t do it myself?
It seems so “duh!”, am I right? Making this change isn’t about changing the big things. In fact, it is mostly about changing the little things. Somehow, making a peanut butter sandwich, washing the dog, and emptying the dishwasher becomes the stuff of life, rather than working toward your dream. Do you find this too? The mundane daily chores become “life” spread out in 10 minute increments throughout the evening.

How to get out of this rut? I’m not going to lie and tell you I have found the solution to this age old mom dilemma. What I have discovered is that you just need to jump and figure it out as it goes.
Have their been times when my kids set the table from clean dishes in the dishwasher? Yep. Is the dog currently in need of a bath? Yep. Is it okay to show your 8 year old how to make his own peanut butter sandwich? Yep.
Go to bed with a dirty kitchen :0

These aren’t the memories they will talk about someday when I am old and grey. I hope they will remember when I followed my dream and framed my first dollar (just like Mr. Krabs).
I’m not sure this booth is going to work out. I’m not sure anyone will really want to buy all my thrift store makeovers. I’m not sure I won’t get tired of painting end tables and candlesticks for someone else. But you know what I am sure of? I won’t regret doing it for one millisecond…and that’s the kind of peace of mind money just can’t buy.

So today, fantastic friend, I want to encourage you to get off the procrastination train, the “I’ll do that someday when I have time” merry go round, the “I can’t possibly fit that into my life” roller coaster. What’s your dream? What steps are you taking to follow it?

If you’re local, come take a little peek into my booth at Queen of Hearts Antiques and Interiors in Buford, GA. Stop by if you’re ever in the neighborhood. 🙂
Good for you!!!
This will be great as you can rotate things out from your home you are tired of and bring new things into your home and hopefully make some money along the way. I have bought every single end table or nightstand in my home from a thrift store and slapped some paint on them and felt so good about the money I saved.
I also have bought several pieces from entrepreneurs such as your self. I have bought lamps from yard sales and put a nice coat of paint on them. Many times their shades were
like brand new. I know it will take a bit to get your process flowing but I wish you much success and hope you enjoy the journey. The key is that you have a great eye on what actually
looks good together and how to stage it perfectly. Wishing you much success.
With this kind of mindset and enthusiasm, it can’t help but be a great year for you and your family!!! Congratulations! 🎉
PS: I totally agree with Deb’s comments above. You have a very talented eye. 🙌🏻👏🏻
Getting off the procrastination train! That’s ME! Love this friend! As always–you are amazing!
You go girl, and I might even follow you!
Love your mantle display! Where is Buford, GA? I’d love to visit Queen of Hearts.
Excellent!!! Love your motivation and drive! Inspiring!