Mom jeans. I’m not sure what kind of image that evokes for you, but for me I think of a fairly thin woman wearing medium tone jeans that make her butt look way bigger than it actually is (she might even be wearing a fanny pack). Mom jeans were high wasted but not in a cool high wasted kind of way. I’m gonna go ahead and make a confession…I wore mom jeans. But to my defense…everyone was doing it.
It was THE style. We didn’t call them mom jeans then, they were just jeans.
I don’t think I was even a mom yet.
A disturbing trend is running rampant through our sleepy little island. It’s probably happening where you live too. You might even have a daughter who is begging for them.
Mom jean shorts. Have you seen them? High wasted jean shorts that are super-short? They are all the rage at the Friday night football games in the student section and I have to say, it’s not a good thing.
I have a bit of a dual personality going on at these games. On one hand I think, “Oh honey, that’s just not a good look. Just because they sell it in the store doesn’t mean you should put it on your body.” I really want to go help some of these girls. The other part of me thinks and kind of chuckles with a little self-satisfaction, “Someday you’ll look back at these thousands of selfie pictures your taking at these games and wonder what you were thinking wearing these shorts.”
Is that wrong? I kind of feel bad for wishing ill photos on teenage girls. In the end, I think we all need those pictures in our lives. The pictures that make you wonder in amusement at your own ridiculousness. The pictures that remind you not to go down that road again. No one ever says, the second time’s the charm.
Never, I repeat, never go down the same road twice. The second time around will never be as good as the first, and in the world of fashion it is especially tragic. In the world of furniture? Not so much.
Sometimes the second time around is just what’s needed. This is the second time for this sweet little table. The first time felt a little like a pair of mom jeans. All safe and non-fashionable. So this time, I stepped it up and dressed her in a beautiful blue with lots of character.
This time, she’s older and knows what she likes. She doesn’t feel the need to do what all the others are doing and really embraces her own style. She realizes she may not be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s totally okay.
Just to give you a little glimpse into her journey. Here’s how I found her all forlorn at the thrift store and dragged her home hoping to give her new life.
She received a quick coat of light paint with a little distressing.
Now, she’s layers of paint using Provence, French Linen, Ultra Pure White, and some metallic gold craft paint.
On a side note…I think I have a serious pumpkin addiction this year.! They have to come home with me, all of them. If you have a pumpkin addiction too, I’ll be sharing a tour of this living room filled with pumpkins on Friday. 🙂
Have a fantastic day my fellow design junkies!
I LIKE very much —- the table, not mom jeans!
Oh Ron. You make me smile on a Monday morning. Have a great day friend!
What an amazing new look for your table. I am sure she doesn’t want to look back at those old pictures and see how she used to look! You are so right, furniture that looked good years ago just might need an update, and yours is perfect!
Thanks so much Chloe! She definitely looks so much better. Have a great day!
You are so right about the “Mom” jeans! By the way, why do they have to be called Mom jeans anyway? Makes us look bad! I digress. Your table love is great. I love, love the leopard pumpkin! Do you mind sharing where you found it?
I agree Kelly…moms are so much cooler and totally don’t deserve such a negative association. I found the leopard pumpkin in Hobby Lobby for 40% off just last week so I’m sure they would still have them. Have a great day!
LOL! That trend hasn’t started here yet. We are all about the Chacos here.
Love the furniture makeover!
Happy day!
Chacos are so much more acceptable and they’re comfortable too! I love them. Hopefully the short shorts with the high wastes won’t head your direction.
I always love when you stop by karianne.
I really like the unbreakable pumpkins!
It turned out great and you had me laughing all the way!!
What a lovely direction, make me laugh at the beginning. New update for your table looks good. I really like your pumpkin decors, so impressed.
Another corner of your home that inspired me. Nancy. I wore mom jeans and I thought I was the only one. Great story as well!