Merry Christmas! Boy, did that come quick this year! It seems like it was Thanksgiving, I blinked, and Christmas was here! For the past few years I have wanted to blog my Christmas tree but just never did. This year I decided I needed to do it.

I shared this tree on Instagram a few years ago, but never really photographed it. It barely was photographed this year. In fact, I shot these daytime photos literally as everyone was putting on their coats, heading out the door to Christmas Eve service. Whew!

As a home decor blogger, there is always this idea of giving you some new inspiration. But honestly? This is my favorite tree…like ever. I can’t imagine doing something different. At least not for quite some time. I haven’t tired of the angels, banners, and sentiment behind the tree.

A few years ago, I cut strips of white wrapping paper and hand lettered Luke 2:10 on the strips. “And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be for all people.” It seemed so fitting in so many ways. First, this is an angel tree after all. Second, whenever I look at the tree I am reminded why we celebrate Christmas. I can’t imagine loving a tree more.

I found the collection of angels at a church yard sale. I opened a box, haphazardly shoved under a table, and they were there…just waiting for me. I love when an idea just happens without any real effort. Those are the best ones. The ideas that organically happen. Did I mention this is my favorite tree?

I kept things rather simple on the mantel this year. I found these angels in an antique shop, literally sitting on a 2×4 above a booth…out of sight to most people. The owner cut me a great deal on all four and I love them.

When we arrived home from church, I quickly took a few pictures before getting out all of the food. The twinkle of the lights and the fire makes such a cozy scene. Plus, it is actually really cold this year in Georgia!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to being right back in this spot after the New Year to continue working on this home that I love. Much love from my family to yours!

The angels/cherubs just say “Christmas”! They say it all……..
Be still my heart!! Gorgeous!
Happy New Year!