Do you ever wonder how some people seem to always know what the next big thing is going to be? I’m always amazed at how quickly something in society takes hold and soon we are all saying it, or wearing it, or decorating with it. Do you ever wonder who started it? Who created that one “thing” that spread like wildfire? I’m sure there is some sociologist out there who has dedicated her life to studying this phenomenon…
Why some baby names suddenly surge in popularity.
Why modern décor is out and farmhouse décor is in.
Why tall black socks on boys wearing tennis shoes is now popular, just when old men jumped on the white sock train.
Why maxi dresses came and went in a flash. Hello jumpsuit.
Why long straight hair was replaced by tousled hair and then replaced by huge ringlet curls. Dare I say, curly 80’s perm hair will be next?
These are the things I ponder at 3:00A.M. when I wake up unable to sleep before the strong notion that I’m getting older and have turned into an “early riser” sets in…a concept I couldn’t even fathom as a teenager.
When my friend Deborah from Cottle and Gunn asked me to photograph and blog about the 2nd Annual Rustapalooza Vintage Market in St. Mary’s, Georgia this past weekend, I wanted to take a new approach. As fun as it is for you to look at photos of what I saw when I went shopping (yawn), I wanted to share what jumped out at me as the “next big thing”.
Bring Back The Wood
Although painted furniture is still in the height of popularity, I’m slowly seeing a shift back to beautiful wood pieces. This dresser caught my eye because of the beauty of the tiger oak. It would truly be a shame to paint over a piece like this. I think the beautiful woods and grains will come back into furniture and these vintage pieces will become highly sought after. I’m on the lookout for Bird’s Eye Maple.
Silverware That Makes You Raise Your Pinky
Detailed silverware and silver plated silverware will make resurgence to the everyday table. I think the more ornate silverware will become popular again after many years of more transitional and modern pieces donning the dinner table. I spent quite a bit of time in this booth studying all her beautiful silver for sale. It was hard not to buy a bunch because they were all so pretty. I have a full set at home though so I was able to restrain myself.
Hello French Ticking…You Have My Heart
I had forgotten my love affair with ticking until I saw this piece. I think ticking will make a strong appearance in home décor again. I don’t know if ticking has ever really gone out of style because it is so iconic, but it has definitely taken a backseat to grainsack and burlap lately. I think it will be brought back up to the front of the line with some beautiful uses in upholstery, pillows, and table linens.
Black Accents
Black is back. Don’t worry though if you just finished painting everything white. Black accent furniture, light fixtures, and kitchen cabinets will start really taking a hold in home décor and design. White cabinets will always be around and will remain a strong part of home décor for quite some time, but I think black is on its way back in a big way.
Vintage Doors
Old doors in new houses. I think this is well on its way into home décor starting with the barn door craze a few years back. The newer shift will be adding in traditional period doors within new home construction. A smart entrepreneur would start manufacturing new doors that “look old” taking designs from the early 20th century to use in new modern homes.
Galvanized Everything
Repurposed galvanized items. Okay, so this isn’t really an emerging trend. It is already here and going strong (thanks Joanna Gaines). Find new ways to use these galvanized pieces like an herb garden watering can. The best “different” use I saw was galvanized chicken feeders used as centerpieces with candles and flowers in them. I can just hear all the farmhouse chickens clucking, what the what?
A Whole New Level Of Farmhouse-Ranch Glam
We didn’t just buy a farm, we bought a ranch. Let’s just go ahead and take farmhouse style one step further and go full on ranch house style. This is a hard one for me because we lived for so many years in Texas that I feel like longhorns and cowhides have always been in style. Who knows, instead of having boxwood wreaths around cows heads we may have grapevine wreaths around steer heads. Somehow I’m doubtful of that, but it was such a funny visual in my head I just had to share. I would keep your eye out for a good pair of cowboy boots though. I think they’ll replace the “riding” boots so popular every winter.
So what do you think? Do you think my predictions are on target or way off base? Leave a comment and let me know.
I had such a great time at Rustapalooza. It is for sure worth a little drive to attend this fun market. What could be better than shopping for great finds waterfront? It was a beautiful day and people were having fun everywhere. Be sure to follow Rustapalooza on Facebook so you are notified when the next one will be.
I only bought one item which you will see coming up in the next few weeks. A little clue, they were blue and white and had my name all over them. I’ll leave you with a few more shots of the great items at the Rustapalooza Vintage Market.
Have a fantastic day friends!
I have subscribed to you site serval times. I use to get up dates but since Christmas have received none.
Thank you
What a lovely market! I’d LOVE to spend the day there. Love the style and products so much. Thanks so much for photographing and blogging about it. As for the next big thing, it doesn’t really matter to me. LOL. I found the way around that by going eclectic. LOL!!! I’m serious! Wait till you see my great room —-something for everyone. Oh Sorry. I digress…. I think your predictions are spot on! You have a real knack for seeing trends. 🙂 Susie from The Chelsea Project
beautiful vintage market i like it there are so man thing i like to keep in my home
I think you are absolutely on track with what’s trending. If you watch Instagram, it’s all white with black or wood accents. I haven’t seen much ticking, but it’s such an understated classic that I think it will always be around.
Thanks Sarah. White, wood, and touches of black is my design going forward in my house. Thanks for chiming in.
do you know where those beautiful striped pillows came from ? the ones with Home sweet Home.
I’m sorry Elaine. They were in one of the vintage booths at the market. I did a quick search online and found several options on the web. Just go to google and type it in. If you want to see all my online shopping tips to find anything online at the best price you can check it out. Here’s the link.