If you knew me well, you would know that I have a propensity for unbridled enthusiasm and am the master of big plans. Big ideas pop into my head and they take over until I can’t keep them in anymore and they all come falling out of my mouth in a long verbal discourse that usually takes my family on a ride of mouth open wide with excitement to passively tuning me out…because I can really talk something…to death.
Today’s idea struck me when I saw Paige from The Pink Clutch post about her daughter’s Gingerbread House decorating party. It was so cute and looked like a blast! I held the idea in my brain for about 24 hours before it sang through the air in my kitchen with for all my family to hear. I would hold a house decorating party and invite Luke’s little friends from school and I would put on a plaid tablecloth and make a hot cocoa bar and buy tons of candy and play kids Christmas music and find little hats they could wear while they decorated. I had a big idea for a big party.
Then reality set in. I would have to clean the house, buy the stuff, decorate it all up, send out invitations, and entertain the kids. It made me tired just thinking about it. Not to mention I was in the midst of final exam week at school which means long days with no breaks as we have one final push for the end of the semester. I decided my big idea for a big party was not such a good idea at all. So, when I arrived home I announced I wasn’t going to hold the party because it would be one more thing to make the holiday stressful.
My sweet little Luke didn’t really comprehend what I was saying because in his mind he was going to have the greatest holiday party ever and as soon as I was done with my announcement he told me all about who he was going to invite and how he was going to decorate his house “fancy”. Hello…mommy guilt.
You see, the day before I wasn’t able to attend his Christmas program because I was giving End of Course Tests and helping my students finish missing work so they could pass. My parents went in our place and attempted to record it on my other son’s iPhone for us. My older son had to wear his band shirt two days in a row due to concerts all over town and I had left that morning before putting his shirt in the dryer. Poor kid was damp until noon. I wasn’t winning any Great Mom Awards.
So, with Luke’s enthusiasm as my fuel I decided I really should make my big idea for a big party happen. I took the challenge on with zeal. I made countless trips to the Dollar Store, CVS, and Publix scouring the aisles for candy and dishes and hats and decorations and houses. I cleaned and organized and planned and stared at the ceiling in bed twisting my hair and envisioning. As my hair went wap-wap-wap against the pillow the plan came together in my head and I could see it was going to be a success.
Monday was the day. I woke up at 4:00 a.m. with excitement (childish I know). I drank a pot of coffee and started in on creating a party my kids would be thrilled with. As the guests arrived and everything went off without a hitch I felt as though the red reindeer antlers I was wearing should really be a tiara. Holiday carols were playing and kids were having fun and parents were talking and people were drinking my crock pot hot cocoa and eating doughnuts and pigs-in-the-blanket…and I relished in the big idea I had for a big party. Even though no one gave me “The Great Mom For A Day” award in real life, I knew in my own mind that I had just added a hash mark under the “good mom” title and I need all of those I can get.
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
My awesome friend Lucy from Patina Paradise put together this incredible party list. Lucy and I, we like to party at the same places. You should come to the party…it’s a blast:
Something to Talk About @ Spain Hill Farm 5AM CST
*Show and Share @ Coastal Charm 8AM or 8:30AM
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on The Porch
Inspire Me Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life 3PM
Inspire Me Monday @ Sand and Sisal 4 or 5PM
Moonlight and Mason Jars @ Cherished Bliss 10 or 11AM
* Wow Us Wednesdays @ Savvy Southern Style 6pm
* Vintage Inspiration Party @ My Salvaged Treasures evenings at 7 PM
* Dream Create Inspire @ Refresh Living evenings at 7PM
* Swing into Spring @ DIY by Design at 10PM
What’s It Wednesdays @ Ivy And Elephants
Creative Spark @ Two Purple Couches 9AM
Share Your Cup Thursday @ Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson 2PM or 3PM
* Share Your Style @ The Vintage Nest + 7MORE BLOGS!!!!! 6PM CST
Treasure Hunt Thursday @ From My Front Porch to Yours 6PM CST
Brag Worthy Thursday @ Bless’er House + 4 more blogs 5AM
Think and Make Thursdays @ Little Red Brick House + 7 more blogs!!! 5AM
*The Creative Circle @ Up to Date Interiors 8AM
Vintage Charm @ Charm Bracelet Diva 9AM
* Shabbilicous Fridays @ The Shabby Art Boutique 1:00PM
*Feathered Nest Fridays @ French Country Cottage 3PM
Simple and Sweet Fridays @ Rooted In Thyme 6PM
AKA Design-Weekend Retreat party 7 pm
Creativity Unleashed @ Practically Functional 6pm
*Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home 6PM
the weekend retreat @ AKA Design 6pm
Inspiration Friday @ The Painted Drawer 9PM
* A morning Cup of Joe @ The Cottage Market 6AM
* Silver Pennies Sundays @ Finding Silver Pennies 6 or 7 AM
Inspiration Monday @ Our Southern Home + 6 more blogs! 1 PM
**Amaze Me Mondays @ Dwellings 5PM
What a great idea! And you are mom of the year. 🙂 You are setting an amazing example of Christmas joy.
Happy day friend!