Hi! Today I’m going to share my Christmas breakfast nook with you. This space just makes me happy for so many reasons. The custom built tall French cabinet, the table I bought for $25 and refurbished, and the slipcovered chairs I hunted down at Ballard Designs Outlet make my dream breakfast nook. So decking it out a little for Christmas just adds to it. Not only do we spend some great times around this table, but when I’m standing at the sink doing dishes, this room is my view. I think about the great memories of the past and I think about the memories to be made in the future.

Last year when I was thrifting, I ran across this advent wreath and couldn’t wait to pull it out and use it this year. As a child, I remember going to church and being so excited when one more candle was lit because it meant it was one week closer to Christmas.

The church we attend now doesn’t do the advent wreath. So, I light one at home each Sunday. I still get excited, but now, unlike when I was a child, there’s always a little bit of panic too. What? Christmas is only 10 days away? Where did the season go! Do I have everything ready? This year it has seemed to go particularly fast.

I’ve carried the angel theme into this room also. Angels blowing trumpets are not only a symbol of the joy of this season, but of the joy that is to come. I think it is only fitting that this wreath is directly above my creche.

It’s been a tradition in my family, ever since I was little, that the youngest in the family arranges the figurines in the creche. I’m happy to say since the youngest is now eleven, they are in a somewhat normal scene. In years past, every figurine was crowded in the stable.

I’ve tried to keep things a little more simple this year…although it may not feel like it. This is simple for me. Just for fun, I shot this kind of “artsy” photo. Santa came a little early to this house with a new camera lens. 🙂

Have a fantastic day! Thanks for stopping by. Do you have any traditions that just have to be done from year to year?