I’m continuing my series on paper tablescapes with a December version. I’m not going to lie. I struggled with this one. You would think there would be so many cute Christmas paper plate options and putting this table together would be no problem at all. Not so much. This is version two. Version one was a big fat bomb.
I think my biggest tip, and one employed in last month’s paper tablescape, was to move away from the holiday aisle. I found these plates in the Spritz area of Target and knew they would redeem my attempts at this months table.
The paper placemat is also from the Spritz line. I loved the dark background and the bright colors. It’s so easy to use wrapping paper to give your table some interest. I just used a placemat I owned to trace the size and then cut them out with a scissors. For just a few dollars I have some pattern interest on the table. Plus, no need to wash them and store them.
I once again used my wooden box I created for last month. It was fun to pull in some mini trees and a special Santa to preside over the table. I see lots of tablescapes with giant centerpieces that are very dramatic and eye-catching. The thing is, who wants to sit at a table where you can’t see the people sitting across from you? Keep it low. Keep it simple.
I added this jolly vintage looking Santa to the table. I love the twinkle in his eye.
I once again used my gold chargers (these things are worth their weight in gold), a paper doily from the Dollar Store, the Spritz plate, and a chalkboard snowflake found in Target’s dollar spot. Easy, inexpensive, and looking way more cute than its cheap self.
We spend Christmas Eve at my parent’s house where we have appetizers and grasshoppers. No, not the real kind. The Creme de Menthe kind. It’ s been a family tradition forever. Many of you know, my dad is a retired minister and so our Christmas festivities, growing up, were centered around his church schedule. We always did something between the first service and the midnight service.
Christmas morning he was back over at the church for the early service. As kids we had to wait until he returned home before tearing into all of our packages. As we became older, we opened our gifts on Christmas Eve. My mom always prepared a brunch on Christmas Day and it was the “big meal” for the season. My dad was finished with church and afterwards, we would set off my grandparent’s house.
This year on Christmas Eve, hubby and I are going to do something a little different. For the first time, ever, we are going to ask Hayden to join in the fun of setting everything up under the tree on Christmas Eve after Luke goes to bed. I am finding this is bringing more joy and excitement into the season for me. There are a lot of challenges when having two kids 10 years apart. At times it seems like I’m living alternate lives. Play dates with pre-school friends one minute and high school band parent meetings the next. Learning to do a good job brushing teeth one minute and learning to drive a car the next. This will be one occasion where the gap in ages may prove to be fun. A new family tradition.
Hope you are having a joy filled season. Remember, all the little moments of doing Christmas tasks make up the whole season. Enjoy each task (even if it is running out to buy more tape because you ran out and know you had an extra roll somewhere but can’t find it). Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle. Have fun and have a fantastic day.
I’ll be back on Wednesday with tips and tricks for icing sugar cookies. It’s my go-to no fail sugar cookie people rave about but it is so easy. Seriously.
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Nancy…I love your idea of having the older child be part of the Santa Claus magic for the younger one…next year for me may be the time for that. 🙂 Your table is lovely…festive and fun with lots of good tidings thrown in. Most welcoming and so very Merry Christmas.
I know I probably say this all the time but Nancy this tablescape is so beautiful you can’t even tell it’s made from paper plates. You definitely have a gift when it comes to tablescapes. I would be excited to eat here any day of the week. Hugs, CoCo