Okay, let’s just start this off for real. I don’t really cook. I mean I cook for my family to eat mainly out of necessity, but I am no chef. If you came here looking for the perfect artichoke recipe to eat…you’re going to be disappointed. However, if you were thinking thrifted wooden artichokes to decorate your mantel? Well, for that you are in luck!

So you know I love a good thrift to treasure story. This is one of those times. These little artichokes were so overlooked. In fact, they waited right by the door of the thrift store just waiting to be taken home but an awful artificial ivy paraded in front of them hogging all of the limelight.

Once I moved that ivy I knew these guys had to come home with me. Like two lost puppies, I would give them a good home.
And that’s just what I did. I used a little Miss Mustardseed Milk Paint to create a chippy time-worn look. I told my mother-in-law I wanted them to look like I dug them out of an old French garden where no one had noticed them for years.

I love the chippy quality of milk paint. It was such an easy project and I know I have seen these decor items online and in expensive catalogs for way more than the thrift store prices I paid. So I think this is a perfect artichoke recipe.
Thrifted artichokes + Milk Paint = Perfect mantel decor

So head to your closest thrift store and keep an eye out for these little cuties. I see small ones all the time. They are so versatile and always a welcome addition to any vignette or mantel. Have an awesome day friends!
That’s my kind of cooking, too. : ) Love them!
Thanks so much Debi!