We have a mouse in the house and he’s taking over! No, not a real live mouse. A mouse of the ABC Mouse variety.
As a young mother to my now 15 year old, I remember constantly comparing his development with his peers and worrying to no end if he wasn’t doing something they were doing. He had trouble learning to read and we did tutoring, special games, and everything else I could think of until one day my husband turned to me and asked…
Do you really think he’s going to be 30 years old some day and not know how to read? Perspective
Happily, he’s now in all Honors classes pulling straight A’s in high school and all my worry was for naught.
So, when Luke was getting reports home from Pre-K indicating he was behind on some of his letters I decided to relax about it because, c’mon, this is Pre-K after all.
We worked on letters and numbers and read books and played outside and were completely happy and I wasn’t worried about it at all until one day…
Luke came home from Pre-K and asked repeatedly, Why can’t I read and some of my friends can? Ouch. That sprung me into action because I knew it was weighing heavy on his little heart and if there is one thing I will always fight for, it is self-esteem. Reading schmeading. Self-esteem? That’s something to worry about.
I’ve seen commercials for ABC Mouse, and as a teacher, I always felt like maybe they were a little bit hyped up. Nonetheless, I logged on and bought a 6 month membership (by the way, this is sooo not a sponsored post).
I found my old laptop and searched for a place in the house that could become a little work station for Luke. I decided my old secretary desk would make a great place for him to work, but I knew I wanted him to be nearby while I made dinner so I could help him and participate with him as he moved through the learning modules.
I moved my coffee station out of the corner of the breakfast nook and made room for the secretary desk. In an effort to lighten and brighten up the house, I decided to paint it white while leaving the drawers the natural stained mahogany. His laptop sits nicely in the secretary and is hidden away when not in use. We simply move one of the kitchen table chairs over to sit on.
I placed two shutters on top of the desk to give the corner some height and dug out my box of Easter items. I found this sweet wood French flower holder at a local shop and knew immediately it had to come home with me. I love the rustic French feel of it.
I added a nest with some eggs and a little feather to give it a little more of an Easter touch.
We’ve been working away on the kitchen. I added trim around the window and trim pieces above the patio door. I can’t believe what a difference plain simple boards stacked the right way can have on a room. The patio door is primed but not painted yet. We also added new light fixtures above the island and took down the small pendant lights that came with the house. All of these little changes have added up to such a different look in the house.
There are two big takeaways from today’s post. First, if you have a young child or grandchild and you are thinking about ABC Mouse, go ahead and do it. Luke is enjoying it so much and it is making learning fun for him. His self-esteem meter is through the roof right now which makes this mama really happy.
Second, look at the spaces in your house in a new way and don’t be afraid to change things up. Above all, your house should meet your needs even as your needs are changing. It can breath new life into your space and make your house feel new again. Don’t be afraid to experiment.
Have a fantastic day!
What a beautiful airy kitchen, I love it. Great to hear Luke is doing well. I never heard of ABC mouse but it sounds excellent.
Thank you Cheryl! Yes, Luke is doing very well. He’s too cute sitting there singing the songs and saying D says duh, D says duh. Fun stuff. Sending you warm wishes. Say hello to Fred.
Nancy, you are a wonderful teacher! So happy that your little guy is doing so well.
Your kitchen is lovely! Your antique secretary is gorgeous! Just love what you have done with it! All your Spring decor is so pretty! I love Spring and we are patiently waiting for our snowdrifts to melt — and the ice on our lake out in front of our house. We know Spring is coming even though it doesn’t feel like it at the moment! I have made two Spring wreaths and put them on our two doors!
Love your posts! You do a great job of everything!
Have a blessed day, Nancy!
Thanks Mary-Ann! Your positively beams through the computer screen and your comments always make my day a little brighter. I feel your pain on the snowdrifts and cold that seems to be lingering in the north. My brother-in-law is coming for a visit next week from Wisconsin and he is counting the days. I bet your doors look lovely with your new spring wreaths on them!
Here’s hoping warmer weather starts heading your way.
I love the way you finished the secretary. I have a old one but it has a top with glass doors and shelves ,did yours? I am constantly switching things out and moving furniture around,it seems to make me feel better.Your kitchen looks Springy.Is that a word? Love your posts,PS it’s 83′ in Cedar Key today
Hey Pat!
No my secretary doesn’t have any glass. Inside it has a few little drawers and a bunch of little cubbies but the best part is that it is raised up so the laptop slides right underneath it.
Yes I totally think Springy is a word. Great weather today! My car said we hit 87 today and I was happy to be back in flip flops.
Wow, Your kitchen is so amazing! I can feel Easter is coming and spring is playing around your French flower holder. And after all, you’re amazing, too!
Thanks so much Jennifer! I appreciate it. That French flower holder was a total score and impulse buy. I’m so happy I bought it though.
Love the beautiful Spring vignettes and the secretary is stunning!!!…Happy that the ABC Mouse is working for your son…
Thanks Shirley! I painted it on a whim but am loving it so much.
Your secretary is gorgeous, Nancy! Just had to come over and take a peek. Looks like the perfect spot for your son to work. My younger son loved ABC mouse as well! I caught your answer to the first comment, and had to finish the song in my head, “…every letter makes a sound. D says Duh!” Ha ha now I’ll be singing that all afternoon. 🙂
Thanks Christy! So far it has been a hit in our house. I remember that little refrigerator magnet that sang the songs. My oldest had that when he was little. 🙂