Time goes so fast doesn’t it? It seems like the older the kids get the busier and busier life becomes. This past week I wanted to slow things down and have a special dinner at home and I thought a fun Halloween tablescape was in order.
I think it is part of the master plan to make high school kids super busy because it prepares us for when they go off to college or start their life. It has been a little shock to my system though and I wanted to take the opportunity to capture an evening of family without any activities. A Halloween tablescape, I thought, would be the perfect thing to do because it would be fun and wouldn’t make my oldest feel like he was part of some corny dinner.
I created some “story starters” to put by their plates and we spent the meal making up scary stories. It is amazing to see what a four year old thinks is scary. I will tell you it has a lot to do with bodily functions (yes, farts).
Most of the items on this Halloween tablescape are items I already owned or things I just threw together. The napkins were in my stash along with the black ribbon. I found the bat clothespins in the Target Dollar Spot. I used regular dishes right out of the cabinet. The table runner is soooo old, a purchase from Kohl’s years and years ago. The candlesticks were some pretty nasty looking brass I found at the thrift store almost a year ago. I think I bought all of them for the grand price of $2.00. I sprayed them black and bought of box of dripless candles from Target adding some washi tape to them to give them a Halloween feel.
I had some extra rats from the dollar store I placed on the table to give it an extra spooky feel. Luke is obsessed with their red eyes.
We had an enjoyable dinner and I really loved setting this table that felt just a little more special than the usual dinner. I did give a few clue words to work into the stories (even though Luke can’t read yet).
Have a fantastic day!
What a cute tablescape! I love the bat clothespins. Of course Target is brilliant. 🙂
Happy weekend friend!