I realized I hadn’t shared my French Country work space with you! I do things, take photos, and then forget to update all of you! I’m so busy working on the next project it totally escapes me. So…welcome to my new and thrifted French Country Work Space.

I knew I wanted a desk in Luke’s “playroom”. I need desk space. I’m not the kind of person who can sit on the sofa and be productive. To be honest, once I sink into that comfy sofa I usually turn my “work” brain off and try really hard not to take a nap. I wanted to find a thrifted desk that fit my needs but after looking for quite some time nothing jumped out at me.

So, I ordered a brand new desk and painted it to look old. My hubby didn’t even look twice when after we assembled it I got out the paint brush…he knows me so well. I painted it in Annie Sloan’s French Linen and love the softer look to it.
But this space is not without thrifted finds. If you missed this lamp makeover, check it out. I also picked up this mirror at the thrift and added some detail to it using Efex moldings.

I love that this space is just slightly open to the rest of the house. I still feel part of things without having all of my work and bills and papers out in our main living area.

I found the desk chair at the Ballards Outlet. I had originally put a plain parsons chair on hold with a slipcover and while I was shopping some other lady took it to the front to buy it. When I approached the counter and said I had that chair on hold (it even still had the tag with my name on it) the manager wanted to avoid a confrontation. So, she offered me the upholstered parsons chair on the floor for $20 less than I was going to pay for the plain parsons chair. Done and done.

I still have. a few things to do in this room to make it completely finished. I need to cover the wall sconce chords and I have a chaise lounge on the other side of the room that needs a slipcover and then I’ll have one space done.
I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!
Nancy, I always look forward to your posts! The desk is so nice and I love how you have painted it! What a gorgeous space you have created! Your mirror is beautiful! And that lovely French armoire is absolutely beautiful! Love how you have added the wreaths and the tassels! You have such a gift for decorating your home. Everything you do always looks so nice.
That chair story is amazing! So glad you came away with such a great deal! This happened to me a few months ago only I came away empty handed and the other gal managed to get the item! Oh! Well! Now, if I see something I want, I stand by the item until a staff member comes along to take it to the front of the store with my name on it! When I told my husband what had happened, he said: “Well, I guess it wasn’t meant to come home with you!”
Hope you enjoyed your 4th of July! We love the way you celebrate your holidays! Sure wish we were Americans and living down south!
We always celebrate the 4th of July here in Canada with all our friends that go down south for the winter! I have a bunting which I put on our porch and we fly 3 American flags — 2 on our porch flag poles and 1 garden flag in our yard! We have a barbeque here, play our Texas music and it’s a lot of fun! We even have 4th of July plates, napkins, glasses, etc. which we bought at least 10 years ago at Tuesday Morning as they always seem to be clearing these items in November when we go down. So, we really got a bargain at 75% off! I treasure all our American stuff!
Hope you are enjoying your gorgeous home! It looks so beautiful! So happy for you that you are back where you belong! This means so much, doesn’t it?
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Blessings!
Thank you Mary-Ann! I’m so happy you enjoy the 4th of July too! How fun. You can celebrate Canada day and then turn right around and celebrate the Independence Day! Sorry you came away empty handed on your store fiasco. I do watch my stuff like a hawk when I go in there ever since. Although, the buying items has slowed down quite a bit as I think we are just about set for furniture. My parents have down-sized recently too so there are even things I don’t know what to do with. They have the same armoire that I do so now if I wanted I would have two of them. But, what could I do with two? Seems like too much.
It’s always so great to hear from you and I hope you are enjoying your summer.