This policy is valid from April 16, 2015.
Adams and Elm Home is a personal blog where I share design, DIY, crafts, and general musing about my life. For policy information please contact Nancy Isham at slightycoastal at gmail dot com.
Income Disclosure
At times I may receive compensation to review products. I will always give my honest opinion about the product in an effort to share valuable information with the readers of Adams and Elm Home. All efforts will be made to alert readers of products who have provided monetary compensation or products.
The information and advice I provide is my opinion and experience. Please follow advice at your own risk. Safety first. Please always follow appropriate safety procedures when attempting any DIY projects or general home improvement.
I reserve the right to change the focus of my blog, shut it down, sell it or change the terms of use at my discretion at any time.
I am not responsible for the actions of my advertisers, sponsors or blog commenters. If you purchase a product through a link from my blog, you must take action with that company to resolve any issues, not this blog. I respect the privacy of my readers and will never sell your contact information to another company or put you on a spam list. I am not responsible for the privacy practices of my advertisers or blog commenters.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
Comment Policy
I love to read your comments and opinions about the work I am doing in my home. It truly inspires me to keep working on creating a great nest for my family. Please keep in mind the golden rule and treat all members of the Adams and Elm Home community with respect. As the publisher, I reserve the right to remove any comments I feel are unproductive and hurtful.
Unless otherwise noted, all written content and photos are the property of Adams and Elm Home. Feel free to use up to two photos without seeking permission if credit is given to Adams and Elm Home for the photos. If you would like to use more, please contact Nancy for permission.
Where can I purchase these French Country lamps?
What are the dimensions of the corner pantry with the antique door? Its beautiful